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How far the light should be above you plants

How far the light should be above you plants

We've received a lot of messages in recent days asking about how high the lights should be above the plants. In order to use all these benefits to led grow light fullest potential, we need to determine the optimum placement in relation to your canopy. However, there is no set standard, hanging height has a great deal to do with the intensity of the light, the species and grow stage of plant. Different manufacturers construct their LED lights in different ways. There are multiple details to take into consideration, such as the power and angle of individual led diodes within a fixture and the use of lenses to reflect light downwards. The best way to get that perfect distance between the light and your canopy is to consult with the manufacturer.

Beyond that, here are a few insights and tips that can help you make the decision.

Seedling Stage

Plants have lowest demand of light during the seedling stage, so we should put them most distance between the canopy and the lights during this stage. Some people have the instinct to blast these little guys with high-intensity light to promote fast growth. But the truth is, they’re young, vulnerable, and likelier to thrive with a gentler approach.


Vegetative Stage

In the vegetative stage, you can make your lights closer to your plants. Generally speaking, the light intensity need by your plants in veg about half of that they need in bloom. It follows that you could hang the light twice the hanging height that you use in bloom.

Flowering Stage Plants really need hight light intensity during the flowering or fruiting stage. It is important to build in a “hardening off” phase as you move from veg to bloom. Slowly increase the intensity or lower the hanging height until you reach the manufacturers recommended height in bloom.

If your plants are getting too much light intensity, they’ll let you know. Here’s how:

How to Recognize Light Burn On Your Plants

The light burn is easily mistaken for nitrogen deficiency, so many growers wind up misdiagnosing their grow and addressing the wrong problem.

If your plants have light damage, you’ll see symptoms such as:

  • Leaves point upwards.

  • Bleaching, which takes the form of white or yellow discoloration, typically on the leaves closest to the light.

  • Veins remain green even as the rest of the leaves turn yellow.

A nitrogen deficiency has similar characteristics, but there are a few notable differences.

  • A plant with a nitrogen deficiency also develops yellow patches, but the damage starts from the bottom of the plant and works its way up, while light burn begins at the top, closest to the lights.

  • In the case of a nitrogen deficiency, leaves wilt. In the case of a light burn, leaves turn upward and sometimes even become brittle.

  • The leaves of a nitrogen deficient plant fall off on their own. This does not happen to plants suffering from a light burn.

If it sounds like your plant has a light burn, it’s time to reevaluate the placement of your LED lights.


Suggested Hanging Height on ParfactWorks LED Grow Lights

1. Zeusol LED Grow Bar Light - More Details

Seedling Stage Vegetative Stage Flowering Stage
ZE250 24"-36" (CH1, CH2: 50%-70%) 18"-24" (CH1, CH2: 75%-100%) 12"-18"(CH1, CH2, CH3: 100%)
ZE510 24"-36" (CH1, CH2: 50%-70%) 18"-24" (CH1, CH2: 75%-100%) 12"-18"(CH1, CH2, CH3: 100%)
ZE700 24"-36" (CH1, CH2: 50%-70%) 18"-24" (CH1, CH2: 75%-100%) 12"-18"(CH1, CH2, CH3: 100%)
ZE1000 24"-36" (CH1, CH2: 50%-70%) 18"-24" (CH1, CH2: 75%-100%) 12"-18"(CH1, CH2, CH3: 100%)


2. WingFlex LED Grow Bar Light - More Details

Seedling Stage Vegetative Stage Flowering Stage
WF420 36" (50% Brightness) 18"-24" (75%-100% Brightness) 12"-18" (100% Brightness)
WF630 36" (50% Brightness) 18"-24" (75%-100% Brightness) 12"-18" (100% Brightness)
WF840 36" (50% Brightness) 18"-24" (75%-100% Brightness) 12"-18" (100% Brightness)


3. PT/PAR Series LED Grow Boards - More Details

Seedling Stage Vegetative Stage Flowering Stage
PT120 36" (50% Brightness) 18"-24" (75%-100% Brightness) 12"-18" (100% Brightness)
PT240 36" (50% Brightness) 18"-24" (75%-100% Brightness) 12"-18" (100% Brightness)
PT480 36" (50% Brightness) 18"-24" (75%-100% Brightness) 12"-18" (100% Brightness)


4.RA Series LED Grow Panel Light - More Details

Seedling Stage Vegetative Stage Flowering Stage
RA1000 36" 18"-30" 18"
RA2000 36" 18"-30" 18"


5.HB Series LED Grow Boards - More Details

Seedling Stage Vegetative Stage Flowering Stage
HB1000 36"-40" 18"-24" 12"-18"
HB1500 24"-36" (75% Brightness) 18"-24" (75% Brightness) 12"-18" (100% Brightness)
Next article How many hours per day to use your led grow light


Paul B - February 18, 2023

A par meter is what you should be using to determine light height and strength of light output. These recommendations get you close but a meter in my eyes is a must.

Lisa Tucker - February 18, 2023

I received a RA2000 recently and within 2 days my seeds popped! I love the ease of installing this light. Being disabled, the light is less than 6 pounds and easy to manage. Having instructions for height requirements for seedlings to flower was a great information I didn’t know. I highly recommend this light

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